concon and boys in the band

October 2nd, 2011 No comments

Boys in the Band

Convergence has a good write up in the PD in todays paper, E5. Clyde looks very relaxed in the back with his martini glass. It’s also online at

Looking forward to seeing this play soon! For more information check out the concon website.

[amazon_link id=”0573640041″ target=”_blank” ]Boys In the Band[/amazon_link]

Springboard @ CPT

September 28th, 2011 No comments

My play Andrew Jackson ate my Homework: A Racial Farce will receive two readings as a part of Springboard at Cleveland Public Theatre

Springboard runs October 6 – October 23 in the James Levin Theatre and there are several great shows; my show is a double billing with Art and Werewolves by Cat Kenney and directed by Lynna Metrisin, who was in my play Patterns.

This play started out as an exercise I was doing from the book [amazon_link id=”0415491487″ target=”_blank” ]New Playwriting Strategies[/amazon_link] and used a combination of recorded or found dialog, historical characters, created character interactions, and pop music. It’s still taking shape, which is the point of Springboard, and I look forward to seeing it and hearing it and continuing the development process on this piece.