The Portraits

July 16th, 2021 No comments

I’m happy that Playwrights Local has released my radio play, The Portraits. Done in partnership with Radio on the Lake Theatre, I’m grateful to acknowledge the work of John Watts, Brian Zoldessy, John Busser, and Lindsey Mitchell. The play is available on most platforms.

Post card image of The Portraits
The Portraits

OAC – Individual Excellence Award

February 13th, 2020 No comments

Ohio Arts Council LogoI’m grateful to announce that the Ohio Arts Council has chosen me as a FY 2020 recipient of the Individual Excellence Award as a playwright. I’m thankful for the support and I am exceptionally proud to be one of five playwrights in Northeast Ohio to have been given this honor.

Individual Excellence Awards are peer recognition of a creative artist’s body of work that exemplifies their specific discipline and advances the larger artistic community. These awards support artists’ growth and development and recognize their work in Ohio and beyond.

A greatly revised version of my play, Concussive Blast, was the work honored. Concussive Blast received a staged reading at None Too Fragile in Akron, and was part of the Playwrights Local Play Lab series in 2018.

“The Ohio Arts Council’s Individual Excellence Awards give artists the opportunity to be recognized and rewarded for their exemplary artistic achievements,” said OAC Executive Director Donna S. Collins. “Through their art, the individuals selected for these grants have expressed visionary ideas, spoken in a diversity of voices, and explored thought-provoking topics and themes from a variety of viewpoints. We congratulate the Individual Excellence Award recipients and thank them for enriching Ohio’s creative community.”