
Archive for the ‘Playwriting’ Category


March 13th, 2011 No comments

Marquee shot, courtesy of Jared.

Went up March 11-13th at CPT. The run was great. Attendance was like 72 the first night, probably closer to 90 the second, and upper 40s during the Sunday run. As always, it is a curious thing to feel (note) the audience response.


On the Friday opening it snowed like hell in Cleveland so I was pretty sure the thing would get canceled (in fact CSU closed its campus); but the 72-person turnout was pretty good considering the snow that got dumped on the city. Went to dinner with my parents, aunts, and uncle at XYZ. Allen, Athena, and others at XYZ were enthusiastic and supportive, which I found great and now endears me to that spot. The audience was great, laughing, participatory, engaged. Went out and got boozed up at Stone Mad.

The Saturday show did better in terms of turn out. I almost got there late because Johnny Mangos took over an hour to get the Pad Thai out of the kitchen. Got a text from Jarod informing me that one camera wasn’t working (the extension cord was frayed). The audience was a lot more reserved, but eventually got into it. About 15 minutes into the show some asshole JUMPED from the upper row of the seating (James Levin for those who know the space). People around me thought it was part of the show. There was a feedback session; generally positive.

The Sunday show was sparse. A lot of friends and co-workers. Went off without a hitch and then I immediately had to strike the set. Carried a lot of shit to the car while all my friends were over at XYZ drinking Hop Slam. Eventually, the set was struck and the car packed, and I got to sit down for a bit and relax.

Good run, very fast for all the work.

Austin Pendleton

February 26th, 2011 No comments

Was watching an interview/discussion with Austin Pendleton on Theater Talk. It is a wonderful interview with plenty of insight into acting, directing, and theater relationships. Pendleton was talking about his upcoming productions of both Three Sisters and Detroit. Detroit is on the cover of American Theatre, either this month or last month, including the full text of the play. With Three Sisters I can only think of the Wooster Group production and Willem Dafoe speaking in his wispy, mellow way.

Anyway, the other night I was watching Zoldessy choreograph the movements of the actors in the East Storefront. He kept having them move and the he’d stop and think about it for a bit and then he’d talk about it and then he’d have everyone go back and run through the movement again. Zoldessy must have spend :30 minutes or :40 minutes on a page-and-a-half of the play, and I could tell the actors were getting antsy and there were only 10 pages left in the play and the hour was getting late, etc.

It was at this moment that I remembered the interview with Pendleton. In that interview he recounted how Jerome Robbins, during a 1964 production of Fiddler on the Roof spent 6 hours staging and re-staging a scene that was all of 5 minutes on stage. Now, Robbins could get away with it because he had paid actors who were acting as their job. Nonetheless, Robbins was, according to Pendleton, very committed to telling the story, that is, making the reality of the characters and their relationships truthful and real. The 5 minute scene was the family preparing for the Sabbath, and Robbins felt that the scene showed relationships and established character and was important enough to examine and block again and again until it was just right.

Pendleton then talked about his first gig as a director and how he blocked out the whole play in his mind. And then, with some other play that he was directing he didn’t get the chance to do that and felt awful about it, and unprepared, but, to his chagrin, discovered an organic approach, what he referred to as “expressive blocking.” Pendleton felt that this kind of experimenting is important and characterized it as working with clay, but you’re working with actors. And once the actors are interacting you begin to see things.

Jarod and I were at Happy Dog the other day talking about how much Zoldessy is bringing out in the play that is not apparent in the text, and much of this has to do with this process.

Pendleton also attributed a heuristic to Kazan, I think, that when it comes to successfully staging a play that it’s 80% casting, and 18% the ground plan: a ground plan that is expressive of the story.

Pendleton also talked about approaches to directing actors, including spending a certain amount of time at the table discussing the scene. What’s the event in the scene that moves the story forward. How are things different at the end of this scene than they were at the outset. Very traditional in that respect.